Jerusalem / Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem: „Library of Lost Books“ project (S)

Stamps and Stories

A Provenance Day Special on the Library of Lost Books Instagram

Datum: 10.04.2022

(S) = Social Media (z.B. Twitter)

zeitunabhängige digitale Präsentation

NS-verfolgungsbedingter Entzug

Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem: „Library of Lost Books“ project

33 Bustenai Street
9322928 Jerusalem

Beteiligte Person(en):
Bettina Farack; Nechama Eitan


The „Library of Lost Books“, a virtual exhibition and crowdsourcing initiative of the Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem, is marking International Day of Provenance Research by spotlighting the evolution of the stamps used by the librarians of the Higher Institute of Jewish Studies of Berlin (1872-1942). We will be making a post on our „Library of Lost Books“ Instagram account, as well as multiple interactive Instagram stories.

Bildrechte: One of the many different stamps of the library of the Berlin Higher Institute for Jewish Studies, 2023. Credit: Esther Zyskina, LBI Jerusalem.