Bremerhaven, London / Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum – Leibniz-Institut für Maritime Geschichte / Second Generation Network UK (Sp) (V)

Traces of a Lost Past: Finding Family Files in the World Jewish Relief Archive and the LostLift Database.

together with: Second Generation Network UK

Datum: 10.04.2024

Beginn: 18:30 Uhr

Ende: 20:00 Uhr

(Sp) = Sprechstunde
(V) = Vortrag / Podiumsdiskussion


NS-verfolgungsbedingter Entzug

Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum – Leibniz-Institut für Maritime Geschichte / Second Generation Network UK

HAns-Scharoun-Platz 1
27568 Bremerhaven / London

Beteiligte Person(en):
Dr. Kathrin Kleibl, Dr Rachel Pistol


Dr Rachel Pistol, digital historian at King’s College London who works on the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure, will describe the contents of the World Jewish Relief archive. Dr Kathrin Kleibl, provenance researcher at the German Maritime Museum and head of a project on the auctioning of Jewish removal goods in the late 1930s and early 1940s in Bremen and Hamburg, will speak about the LostLift database.
This event is open to all members of the Second and Third Generations.